Salih (Peace be Upon Him)

Salih was a Prophet of Allah who was sent to the Thamud people to warn them about their idolatrous ways and call them to the worship of Allah alone.

Thamud was an ancient Arab tribe who were known for their skill in carving dwellings out of rocks. Salih was sent to warn them about their idolatrous ways and call them to the worship of Allah alone. The Thamud people challenged Salih to prove his prophethood by bringing forth a miracle. Allah sent a she-camel from a rock, and Salih warned the Thamud people not to harm the camel. However, they disobeyed his command and killed the camel. As a result, Allah sent a loud blast that destroyed the Thamud people and left their dwellings in ruins (Quran: Surah Al-A'raf 7:73-79, Surah Al-Shams 91:11-15).